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Growing Healthier Kids: Snack Gardening

Spring always gives me a renewed love for gardening.

We weren't able to plant a vegetable garden last year because we were getting our house ready to sell and we had to replace our vegetable patch with a flower bed. But this year, I'm ready to go and we just finished our raised-bed garden in the new house.

Kids harvesting vegetables

I like to plant things that allow my kids to eat directly from the garden.

It's healthy and they think it's great fun.

Here are my top 5 favorite fruits and vegetables to encourage healthy snacking:

cherry tomatoes

1. Cherry Tomatoes

  • Tomatoes contain high levels of lycopene, a cancer-reducing antioxidant, and lutein, which is crucial for healthy eyes

  • They are rich in potassium

  • Lycopene becomes even more concentrated when cooked (Meaning tomatoes are actually healthier for you after they've been cooked!)

2. Sugar Snap Peas

  • These are a genetic hybrid of green peas and snow peas

  • They only contain 35 calories per cup

  • 1 cup is 50% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C

3. Blueberries

  • Contain anthocyanins, which give them their purple color

  • 1 cup is 25% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C

  • They are considered to be one of the top 20 most nutrient dense foods


4. Strawberries

  • Another excellent source of Vitamin C. 1 serving (1/2 cup) is 50% of your daily recommended intake.

  • Antioxidant properties of strawberries may prevent cataracts and suppress cancer cell growth

5. Herbs

  • Basil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, and is rich in antioxidants

  • Parsley contains apigenin, found to reduce breast cancer tumors

  • Oregano is antimicrobial, contains Vitamin K for bone growth, and has high amounts of antioxidants

See? Doesn't that make you want to get snacking right now? Me too!

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