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I'm Anne Morgan- wife, mother, and educator.​

I have taught high school science in various settings- public school, individual tutoring, and homeschool co-ops- for over 12 years and loved (almost) every minute of it.  

I created Home Science Support because I was frustrated by the high school science curriculum available to homeschooling students.  I also know that many parents feel unprepared and anxious to teach science on the high school level. I truly believe that science should be fun, hands-on, and understandable for parents and students at all ability and interest levels.  


That's what Home Science Support is all about.

I've spent thousands of hours developing this on-line curriculum for your student.  I hope that it provides you with an easy-to-use format that is both rigorous and interesting for your family.

I'd love to hear your comments and questions either on our Facebook Page or at

My educational certifications are in:

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Environmental Education

  • General Science

About Me

Educational Background

I have a husband and three daughters.  

We're actively involved in our church and host a weekly bible study in our home.  Although the curriculum on Home Science Support is primarily written from a secular perspective, I know that studying about science is a perfect way to learn more about God and the wonders of His Creation.

We do many science experiments at home as well as observing nature in our backyard.  I'm passionate about relating science concepts to the situations we encounter every day and the world around us.


My daughters investigating starfish at the Atlanta aquarium and learning about frog eggs that we caught in our backyard.

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