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Helpful Biology Links

Organized by Topic
Most of these resources are free.  I am in no way affiliated with any of the websites or publishers below.
If any of the following links are dead, please contact me and I will take them off the list.  Thanks for your help in maintaining these resources.

Characteristics of Living Things:

Redi’s Experiment on YouTube

Pasteur’s Experiment on YouTube

Additional information on characteristics of life

Characteristics of Life Quiz


Scientific Method:

Science Buddies-Steps of the Scientific Method

Brain Pop: Scientific Method

Biology Corner: Flower Scientific Method Simulation

Glencoe: Clothing Scientific Method Simulation

College Physicians of Philadelphia: Epidemic Scientific Method Simulation

Biology4Kidz: Scientific Method Online Quiz


Basic Chemistry (Atoms, Mixtures, Solutions):

Build An Atom Simulation

Build An Atom Simulation 2

Covalent Bonding Animation

Ionic Bonding Animation

Mixtures & Solutions Junkyard Analysis

Harcourt Acids & Bases Activity

Brain Pop: Acids & Bases Game


Cells and Organelles:

Cellular Organelle Table

Sheppard Software: Cell Organelle Tutorials, Games & Quizzes

Bioman List of games

Cells Alive: Organelle Memory Matching

Carolina Biological Game: Cell Craft

Microscope Parts Identification Game


Diffusion & Osmosis:

Prentice Hall Diffusion Simulation

McGraw-Hill Diffusion Animation

Biology Corner: Simple Diffusion Lab

Diffusion & Osmosis YouTube explanation

Red Blood Cell Osmosis Simulation


ATP, Photosynthesis & Respiration:

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Light spectrum & plant growth

Virtual Elodea Experiment

Crash Course Video: Photosynthesis

Crash Course Video: ATP & Respiration


Cell Division (Mitosis & Meiosis):

Mitosis & Meiosis Animation

PBS Mitosis & Meiosis Simulation


DNA, RNA, Transcription & Translation:

Learn Genetics Utah: Build a DNA Model

Learn Genetics Utah: Transcribe and Translate a Gene

Glencoe Virtual DNA Lab

McGraw-Hill Structure of DNA animation

McGraw-Hill DNA replication animation

McGraw-Hill Transcription animation

McGraw-Hill Translation animation


NOVA: Create A DNA Fingerprint

Let's Clone A Mouse



Biology Basics: Mendelian Inheritance Animation

Wisconsin Fast Plants

List of MANY Genetics Links at Biology Corner

Human Face Lab

Pearson Prentice Hall: Mistakes in Meiosis

Visualizing Nondisjunction Video

Karyotype Drag and Drop Activity


Creation & Evolution:

Relative Age of Fossils Animatio

Relative Dating of Rocks Animation

Blue Letter Bible: 9 Views of Creation

God and Science: Does the Bible Reject Scientific Principles?

Christian Apologetics & Research: Christianity and Science

American Scientific Association: Respectful Attitudes in our Search for Truth about Origin

Scientific American: 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

NECSI: Evidence for Evolution

Berkley: The Science of Evolution

BioLogos: Theistic Evolution

Apologetics Press: Apparent Age

Smithsonian Institute: Human Evolution

KJV: Gap Theory

God And Science: Day-Age Interpretation

Scientific Creationism: Flood Geology

Explore God: 3 Christian Views of Creation

Desiring God: Historical Creationism

Answers In Genesis: What’s Wrong with the Framework Hypothesis?

Ligonier Ministries: Explanation of the Creation Interpretations

Institute for Creation Research: The Literal Week of Creation

Institute for Creation Research: Scientific Case Against Evolution

Analyzing the Competing Views of Creation


Classification of Organisms/Taxonomy:

Classification of Living Things Video

Using a Dichotomous Key for Imaginary Pamishan Organisms

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Classifying Organisms

BrainPop Video: Six Kingdoms


Bacteria & Viruses:

Glencoe Virtual Microbiology Lab

Review of Prokaryotic Cell Structures

BrainPop Video: Viruses

BrainPop Video: Bacteria

Infectious Diseases Web-quest



Diversity of Protists Video

Glencoe Animation: Cytoplasmic Streaming

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Microscopic Protists

Virtual Pond Dip Lab

7B Science Online Labs: 3 Different Protist Lab Activities


BrainPop Video: Protists



Mold in Corn Simulation Lab

Characteristics of Fungi Animation

Biology Corner: Collecting Fungi Data

Introduction to Fungus: YouTube Lesson



Classification of Plants Slideshow

Online Plant Identification Lab Plant Kingdom Video

BrainPop Video: Seed Plants

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Flower Dissection Activity

Plant Anatomy Information

Glencoe Animation: How Water Uptake Works

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Plant Transpiration Experiment

Flower Parts Game


Invertebrate Animals:

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Earthworm Dissection

BrainPop: Invertebrates

Penn State Virtual Crayfish Dissection

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Classifying Invertebrates

List of Invertebrate Animations


Vertebrate Animals:

Frog Dissection Video

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Frog Dissection

YouTube CrashCourse Video: Chordates

Froguts: Demo

*Note: This site contains several high-quality virtual dissections, but requires a subscription.  The Frog Demo listed here is free.

Whitman College: Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection

Carolina Science Online: Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection

Vertebrate Characteristics Activity

Glencoe Virtual Lab: Comparing Mammalian Skulls

BrainPop Video & Quiz: Vertebrates



Mini-ecosystem Carbon Cycling Activity

Biome Venn Diagram Activity

Biomagnification of Pollutants Simulation

Goldenrod Gall Survey Study

Project Wild: Oh Deer

Prenctice-Hall: Predator/Prey Simulation

Succession Simulation

Effects of Human Activity on Succession

National Parks Service: Fire & Aviation Management


Human Body/Anatomy:

CrashCourse Video: Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology

Types of Tissues Animation

Anatomical Terms Animation

Overview of all body systems: Animation

Human Anatomy: All Body Systems


Integumentary System (Skin):

National Geographic: Skin Animation & Article

Boundless: Additional Information on Skin

CrashCourse Video: Integumentary System (Part 1)

CrashCourse Video: Integumentary System (Part 2)

Structure of the Human Skin Animation


Skeletal System:

BrainPop Video: Bone Structure

BrainPop Video: Joints

Skeletal System Bone Identification Game

CrashCourse Video: The Skeletal System


Muscular System:

Muscle Tissues Animation

Anatomy Arcade: Whack-A-Bone Game & Other Activities

Anatomy Arcade: Poke-A-Muscle Game & Other Activities

CrashCourse Video: The Muscular System


Respiratory System:

CrashCourse Video: Respiratory System (Part 1)

CrashCourse Video: Respiratory System (Part 2) 

BrainPop Video: Respiratory System

McGraw-Hill Animation: Gas Exchange during Respiration


Digestive System:

CrashCourse Video: Digestive System (Part 1)

CrashCourse Video: Digestive System (Part 2)

Human Digestive System Animation

Peristalsis Animation

Digestive Enzymes Animation

Digestion & Absorption Animation


Lymphatic/Immune System:

List of multiple Immune System Animations

Lymphatic System Animation

BrainPop Video: Lymphatic System

BrainPop Video: Immune System

McGraw-Hill Animation: Immune Response

BrainPop Game: Immune System Defender

ImmuneQuest Educational Game


Circulatory System:

BrainPop Video: Circulatory System

McGraw-Hill Animation: Conducting System of the Heart

McGraw-Hill Animation: The Cardiac Cycle


Nervous System:

McGraw-Hill Animation: Micturition Reflex

McGraw-Hill Animation: Effect of Sound Waves on Cochlear Structures (1)

McGraw-Hill Animation: Effect of Sound Waves on Cochlear Structures (2)

McGraw-Hill Animations: Nervous Tissue (Select an Animation on the left-hand side)

BrainPop Video: The Eye

Anatomy Arcade: Nervous System Games & Activities


Excretory System:

Urine Formation Animation

Human Kidney Animation

Kidney Dialysis Animation

Reabsorption Animation


Endocrine System:

SEPUP Endocrine System Animation

Endocrine Ed Game


Reproductive System/Human Development:

McGraw-Hill Reproductive System Animations (see list on left-hand side)

BrainPop Video: Fertilization & Birth

Glencoe Online: Concepts in Motion


*NOTE: These links are provided for informational purposes only.  No guarantee of their accuracy is made.  The views expressed on these links do not necessarily reflect my views.

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