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How to Save on Biology Lab Supplies

So, you've decided on a Biology curriculum, but WHOA- You have to spend HOW MUCH just for lab supplies?

Does homeschooling Biology have to cost a fortune?!

Absolutely not.

If you're looking to have your high school science curriculum accepted by colleges, you'll most likely need a lab portion.

(For more information on including labs in your course, see my other blog post.)

After purchasing and teaching with Biology lab supplies for over 12 years on both a public school and homeschool budget, I'm going to help you avoid the frustration of comparing kit after kit trying to get the best deal.

The first item on your list is likely a microscope. I also have some tips and tricks for purchasing microscopes and cutting through all the jargon on magnification, compound microscopes, dissecting scopes, and more. But because there are so many options for choosing a microscope, we won't be discussing that here.

Obviously, the microscope is only the beginning, though. You'll also need slides, a few chemicals, and possibly dissection supplies, if you're planning to dissect.

I know that Apologia is a well-respected Biology curriculum and many parents are looking to use this curriculum, but are frustrated and disappointed at the cost of supplies that need to be purchased for the labs. To help you save time and money, I've compiled a price comparison list from some of the most well-known and trusted homeschool lab supply sites. Although I used the Apologia list as a starting point, I've also included some helpful information on purchasing supplies for other curricula as well as interest-based education.

Still worried about the cost? Check out my Biology course- complete with online lab demonstrations, videos, PowerPoints, and engaging content. Get your FREE preview now!

Here's what you'll find in the following document:

-A detailed list of all Introductory Biology Lab Supply Kits from Apologia, Home Science Tools, and eNasco.

-A detailed list of all Introductory Dissection Kits from Apologia, Home Science Tools, and eNasco.

-Total and kit price comparisons among the 3 companies.

-Advice and tips on choosing the supply kit and dissection kit that's right for your student.

What's not included in the document:

-Tips and price comparisons of microscopes

-Advice on why to choose one curriculum over another

I hope this information is helpful to you. I am not affiliated with any of these companies. I'm simply familiar with the difficulties that parents face when purchasing science curriculum and I'm hoping to make that process a little faster and easier for you. Because let's face it- wouldn't you rather be spending that time actually teaching?!

As always, please feel free to provide feedback and ask questions on the Home Science Support Facebook Page. I'm quick to respond, and I'm sure others in the online community will benefit from the information as well, so ask away.

To access the price comparison document, click on the link below:

Looking to save even more money on lab supplies? Sign up here for FREE access to my online, self-paced Biology course, complete with video lab demonstrations!

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